3 Day Occupational First Aid
First Aid Response PHECC instructor and examiner Our 3 day accredited course covers all the essential aspects of first aid for industry and business. Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (General Application) Regulations 2007, there is a requirement on employers based on a risk assessment to have a sufficient number of Occupational First Aiders trained and available in the workplace. Recommended for Child Care Workers, Corporate, Businesses, Schools, Industry, and Sports Clubs.
- Unit 1: First aid in the workplace
- Unit 2: Patient assessment
- Unit 3: Respiratory emergencies
- Unit 4: Cardiac first response
- Unit 5: Wounds and bleeding
- Unit 6: Altered levels of consciousness
- Unit 7: Musculoskeletal injuries
- Unit 8: Burns and scalds, chemicals, electric shock
- Unit 9: Hypothermia and Hypothermia
- Unit 10: Information Management
There are no prerequisites for this course
Occupational First Aid valid for 2 years
Scene Safety and assessment of casualty
CPR Adult, child and infant
AED (Defibrillator)
Aspirin administration
Heart Attack
Recovery Position
Head Injuries
Eye Injuries
Electric Shock
Febrile Convulsions
Respiratory Disorders
Fever & Meningitis
Burns & Scalds
Wounds, Fractures & Sprains
Conscious / Unconscious person
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